Page 12 - PharmAction decembar 2016
P. 12
Nacionalna Asocijacija Studenata Farmacije - Srbija
First of all let me introducemyself , I am AMINA In tandem with them, I had the occasion to have
AIOUAZ, pharmacy Student, from ALGERIA a little practice in community pharmacy where I
and a member of ASEPA, Algiers. met Serbian pharmacists who tend introducing
Student exchange is the opportunity to do and see me in the system of Serbian community pharma-
things you could never dreamed of. It’s all start- cy which is very diferent when compared with
ed on the 8th of August, when I have been de- the system of Algeria. I also had a chance to visit
lighted to be part of the SEP Team of Novi Sad, Medical University of Novi Sad, Department of
Serbia 2016. Tis opportunity allowed me to meet
new friends and broaden my general knowledge,
I have gained a lifetime experience and stories.
Trough my exchange I have learned more about
myself and the world around me. I had the chance
to share a room with two amazing girls, one Pol-
ish and the other from Portugal, with whom I had
a great time and an extraordinary adventure.
Pharmacy, where we were welcomed by a sympa-
thetic assistant who taught us preparing Vaseline.
All this unforgettable moments and incredible ad-
venture through to an amazing and warm team of
PSANS, especially the LEO Una Dugajlic, who I
am most thankful to.
Amina Aiouaz
12 PharmAction decembar 2016
First of all let me introducemyself , I am AMINA In tandem with them, I had the occasion to have
AIOUAZ, pharmacy Student, from ALGERIA a little practice in community pharmacy where I
and a member of ASEPA, Algiers. met Serbian pharmacists who tend introducing
Student exchange is the opportunity to do and see me in the system of Serbian community pharma-
things you could never dreamed of. It’s all start- cy which is very diferent when compared with
ed on the 8th of August, when I have been de- the system of Algeria. I also had a chance to visit
lighted to be part of the SEP Team of Novi Sad, Medical University of Novi Sad, Department of
Serbia 2016. Tis opportunity allowed me to meet
new friends and broaden my general knowledge,
I have gained a lifetime experience and stories.
Trough my exchange I have learned more about
myself and the world around me. I had the chance
to share a room with two amazing girls, one Pol-
ish and the other from Portugal, with whom I had
a great time and an extraordinary adventure.
Pharmacy, where we were welcomed by a sympa-
thetic assistant who taught us preparing Vaseline.
All this unforgettable moments and incredible ad-
venture through to an amazing and warm team of
PSANS, especially the LEO Una Dugajlic, who I
am most thankful to.
Amina Aiouaz
12 PharmAction decembar 2016