Page 11 - index
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Dear readers, Our team of LEOs is trained to organise social
May you be SEOs, LEOs or future participants events and local sightseeing trips, therefore
in the SEP Exchange programme, frstly I would ofering a high quality SEP exchange for each
like to express my hope that you, your family of our students. We also have a local NEP
and friends have not been afected by the exchange at the same time in each of our
current COVID-19 pandemic which has claimed ofered destinations, so our SEP students can
many lives all over the world. mingle with other Spanish pharmacy students
from across the country.
As many of you will know, my name is Emma
Graham and I am SEO of FEEF Spain for the My best wishes to all of you, both in your
2019/2020 edition of SEP in Spain, a country that personal and professional life, and I hope to
provides many interesting opportunities in the see you participating in a future edition of SEP
pharmacy feld (community pharmacy, hospital in Spain!
pharmacy, industry, research, etc.). For our Emma Graham
SEP students, we ofer community pharmacy SEO FEEF, Spain 19/20
and research placements in Albacete, Alcalá
de Henares, Alicante, Murcia, Salamanca and
Barcelona; all beautiful cities with a rich history
and a lively cultural atmosphere. We also
organise a SEP weekend in the stunning Cíes
Islands (Galicia), in which our incoming SEP
students can socialise and learn about each
other’s cultures.