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Hello! I am the SEO of ANEPF France for July LENGTH OF TRAINING PERIODS:
2020 - July 2021. My name is Hortense RIDEAU. From 2 weeks to 2 months. The internship can go
I am currently in the ffth year of pharmacy in up to 35 hours/week but never more.
Rennes, industry feld. To my mind, the SEP is
a program rich in sharing new experiences. TYPE ACCOMMODATION:
Indeed, it allows both students to discover In summer 2017, most of the incoming students
pharmacy elsewhere but also internship stayed in local students’ fats and some of them
supervisors to learn more about pharmaceutical in University residencies (CROUS) or in host’s
practices in the rest of the countries. eel free to house. The local or national host association will
contact me at my email: . not propose free accommodation. The average

AVAILABLE MONTHS AND CITIES: cost is about 300€ per month; it can go up to
500€ per month, for example in Paris. For some
We have LEOs in every city in France where there accommodations a cash deposit is asked;
is a faculty of pharmacy. There are therefore generally, it is the cost of location for one month.
23 cities in France that can accommodate
SEPers: Montpellier, Rennes, Lyon, Toulouse, BOARD, POCKET MONEY OR OTHER FINANCIAL
Strasbourg, Paris ... BENEFITS/REMUNERATION:
We accept students all the year (for Summer Board is paid by student most of the time. Pocket
and Winter SEP), but mostly from April to money is not provided. In the French legislation,
October. the trainee must be paid by the employer if the

AREA POSSIBILITIES: internship is longer than 2 months. We do not
ofer internship longer than 2 months.
• Placements are mainly in Community
Pharmacy: observation, work in back-ofce, SOCIAL EVENTS:
counselling in the presence of pharmacist The organization of social events is up to
• Research in the University laboratories Local Exchange Ofcer (LEO). We prepare SEP
• Few placements in Hospital weekends as it is the best occasion to meet other
• Almost no placements in Industry SEP students in France and visit diferent French

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