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Nacionalna Asocijacija Studenata Farmacije - Srbija NAPSer

Tat was amazing and really great in- I did SEP in Serbia. It was something

tercultural experience I could ever had! which developed me in various ways.
All of us are like diferent lights on the Afer experiencing great hospitality and

building - such warm and cozy colours - meeting true people I realizes what is
you just feel like being home at the right important in life. Tis picture was tak-
place with the right people right now en near Niš at the top of Niška Banja

and here. Belgrad never falling asleep hill. Te view was amazing (like all the
and always pushes you to move forward landscapes I could see in Serbia). When

and make new things. By typing those I reached this point at the to, I looked
singifcant words for me afer while I’m down..that moment I realized that this I had my practise in Kragujevac, at the
thinking, could I have a better chance in SEP is something which is perfect expe- department of physiology. Tose three
My SEP experience in Serbia was great! my life? Without any doubts, choosing rience for me. weeks of SEP were amazing! I really want

I was able to see and to learn how things Serbia was one of the best decisions I to thank all the people from Serbia who
in a pharmacy from a diferent country have ever made in my life. Arkadiusz Lesny, Poland helped me to meet and feel this unique

were, they are really helpfull and are all Balkan spirit. I can only smile while re-
ways willing to teach you new things. Aleksandra Malicka, Poland membering kafanas, rakijas and kolo.
Te SEP team is amazing they show During the research practise we had a

you the city places to see, places to go, lot of free time to travel all around the
and all of them are so nice and friendly. Balkans and also visit another SEPers

Serbia is a great place, people is so nice, in Niś and Belgrade. I will never forget
the food is amazing and the night life is those moments!
really good, what else can you ask for?

Defnitely a place to visit. So glad i had Natalia Mrozik, Poljska.
the opportunity to do my SEP in Serbia.

Looking forward to come back for sure.

Antonio Casteleiro Uralde, Spain

PharmAction decembar 2017 PharmAction decembar 2017
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